One of the things that people find intimidating about cooking Indian Food is the vast array of spices used- both whole and ground, which are often combined into complex spice mix. Rich in antioxidants and alluring tastes spices are the secret ingredient every good dist boasts of.
Suruchi spices remains central to its pioneer status in the world of spices today. SURUCHI GROUP has been bringing flavor, color and variety to the palates from years. Chilly has been the backbone of Suruchi Empire. Our capability to identify, distinguish, store and process large volumes of chilly year or year has led us to form a trusted brand “SURUCHI”. We have now turned into cohesive functional Export House in chilly. Quality being the over- riding factor in all aspects of our business and powered by Sustainable Philosophy, the business has progressed in delivering long term sustainable food safety to world.
Our key strength IPM programme for Chilly and Strong Backward Integration model aims at 'producing the buy rather than buying the produce'. IPM program help us to control pests without relying solely on pesticides. This ecological approach reduce the emphasis on pesticides by including cultural, biological, genetic, physical, regulatory and mechanical controls and thus enable us to meet stringent norms of PR levels which is our major competitive advantage.
We at Suruchi boast of more than 50 Products in different form of chilies. From Raw to Stemless to Crushed to Ground, for both domestic and international market
Mundu chillies are found in Southern states of India. They are roundish fruit with moderate pungency and orangish red color. Mundu is popularly called as 'Round Chilies’ for their typical & beautiful round shape. The skin type is dark shiny and thick and approximately has 50-60% seed content.
Product Code : CHW01
Pungency (SHU) : 35000 SHU
Color Value : 75-80 ASTA
Guntur Sannam or Capsicum annuum var. Longhum, is a variety of chilli that grows in India, specifically in Southern states of India. This variety of chilli has relatively long fruits (7 to 9 cm. in length) and diameter range from 1.5 to 2.0 cm. This chilli variety is highly valued for its specific shape and size both in domestic and international market. The chilli has thick skin and is moderately hot with average pungency. It is well-known as a commercial crop used as a condiment, culinary supplement, or vegetable. This chilli has become so popular; it is exported to all over the world. It accounts for roughly 30% of India’s chilli exports.
Product Code : CHW02
Pungency (SHU) : 20000 SHU
Color Value : 90 ASTA
Popularly known as S17, majorly grown in Guntur and Warangal region of Andhra Pradesh, Teja enjoys one of the major export markets. It is small in size, non-wrinkled, normal seed content and bright red and highly pungent and skin type is thin. This S7 variet is hottest commercially available (& viable) chilli from India. This variety is majorly explored for its pungency and adds hot peppery flavor to many Indian Cuisine like Indian Pickles, Chat Masala, Chicken powder, Curry powder. Also used for extraction and derivation of capsaicin.
Product Code : CHW03
Pungency (SHU) : 80000 SHU
Color Value : 90ASTA
S12 Chili is mostly grown in the fertile Indian lands of Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra. The harvesting season for S12 is October to February. This chilli has good balance pungengy and red color which have enabled it to earn both national and international acclaim. It has small sized pods which are highly pungent. It is small in size with fruit length of around 5-9 cm.
Product Code : CHW05
Pungency (SHU) : 55000 to 60000 SHU
Color Value : 80-85 ASTA
Majorly grown in Madhya Pradesh and Kuhi Mandal district of Maharashtra. Also This variety is very long and bold. The skin type is thick and shiny. It is the longest variety. The exotic rich flavor hand high color imparting property of this variety make it acceptable ingredient of several curried dishes, seasoning and sauces.
Product Code :CHW07
Pungency (SHU) : 9000-12000 SHU
Color Value : 95-100ASTA
It is majorly grown in Warangal, Khammam, East and west Godavari districts of Andhra Pradesh. It is deep red in color and less pungent. The capsiasin content is 0.17%. the size of the chilli is 8-11 cm
The vibrant red color of the chilli, make it hifgly popular among food and beverage processor for its use as a colorant.
Product Code : CHW08
Pungency (SHU) : 10000 SHU
Color Value : 95-100ASTA
Majorly grown in Assam and some parts of Manipur. It is blood red in color and highly pungent. The skin type is normal. Harvesting season of this variety is October to December. It is used in traditional dishes of the Kerala cuisine. Kochchi sambal, which is hot sauce or paste made from different chilli varieties containing grated coconut and lime juice has bird eye as main ingredient to add pungency. It is used extensively in Thai, Malaysian, Singaporean Indonesian, and Vietnamese cuisine.
Product Code : CHW11
Pungency (SHU) : 100000-125000 SHU
A long pointed chili, dark red and strongly wrinkled. The Dabbi variety is wider. Grown mainly in Karnataka, this chili has very little heat (10-15k) It is majorly grown and used in Goa and Karnataka, states on the south west coast of India, and is considered essential to Marathi cuisine. It is particularly valued for the bright orange red color it imparts. The fruit length is 10-13 cm and has wrinkled skin type with sweet favor.
This chili is also often ground and sold as "Kashmiri Chili Powder". It also supports a large oleoresin extraction industry. The red oleoresin is much used as a coloring in food and cosmetic products.
Product Code :
Pungency (SHU) : 15000-20000 SHU
Color Value : 120-150ASTA
Grown in temperate regions such as Himachal Pradesh,Jammu & Kashmir and also in sub-tropical regions of North India during winter season. It is long fleshy red in color. Harvesting season is November to February.
It is medium conical in shape and has fruity flavor and little heat. The skin type is smooth and very dark in color. This chilli is known more for its color than its pungency. This variety has highest color and measure of pure capsaicin content is around 0.3325%.
Product Code : CHW04
Pungency (SHU) : 10000-12000 SHU
Color Value : 180-220 ASTA
This variety, also known as Ghost pepper or Naga jolakia,is hybrid variety of Capsicum chinese and capsicum frutescens. It is cultivated in Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, and Manipur. The ripe fruit measures 2.5-3.3 inches long and 1-1.2 inch wide with red, yellow, orange color. It ranks as one of the hottest chilli in the world.
This variety in a very small quantity is widely used in preparation of Supper hot Assam Curry paste.
Product Code :
Pungency (SHU) :
Color Value :
Teja stemless enjoys one of the major export markets. This variety is majorly explored for its pungency and adds hot peppery flavor to many Indian Cuisine like Indian Pickles, Chat Masala, Chicken powder, Curry powder. Also used for extraction and derivation of capsaicin. Along with jute bags, vacuum packaging, customized packaging is also available as per client’s requirement
Pungency (SHU) : 80000 SHU
Color Value : 90ASTA
S4 chilli stemless variety is highly valued for its specific shape and size both in domestic and international market. The chilli has thick skin and is quite hot with average pungency. The skin of crushed chili is thick, pinkish red and hot.
Along with jute bags, vacuum packaging, customized packaging is also available as per client’s requirement
Pungency (SHU) : 25000 SHU
Color Value : 90 ASTA
Popularly known as Relish Beyadgi, is one of the most famous varieties of chilli grown in Indian State of Karnataka. It has wrinkled skin that is orange red in color. It is mildly hot and orange red color to the food. Used in extraction of Oleoresin.
The product is commonly packed in 2 KG and 10 Kg jute bags, though vacuum packaging and custom packaging is also available as per client’s requirement
Pungency (SHU) : 20000 SHU
Color Value : 130-140 ASTA
This chilli has good balance pungency and red color which have enabled it to earn both national and international acclaim. It has small sized pods which are highly pungent. It is mainly used for its pungency and extraction of chilli oil or capsaicin.
Along with jute bags, vacuum packaging, customized packaging is also available as per client’s requirement
Pungency (SHU) : 60000 – 65000 SHU
Color Value : 80-85 ASTA
Mundu is popularly called as 'Gundu Molzuka' meaning 'fat chilly' in Tamil Nadu. Also known as Tamilnadu Tomato Chilli. The skin type is dark shiny and thick and approximately has 75% seed content. They are barely spicy but have a unique flavor which enhances the flavors of many dishes.
Along with jute and vacuum packaging, custom packaging is also available as per client’s requirement
Pungency (SHU) : 40000 SHU
Color Value : 70-80 ASTA
Product Code : CHP01
Granulation : 2.5-3 mm
Pungency (SHU) : 15000-90000 SHU
Product Code : CHP02
Granulation : 5 mm
Pungency (SHU) : 15000-90000 SHU
Product Code : CHP03
Granulation : 2 mm
Pungency (SHU) : 15000-90000 SHU
Product Code : CHP04
Granulation : 4.75 mm
Pungency (SHU) : 30,000-35,000 SHU
Product Code : CHP01
Pungency (SHU) : 10000-15000 SHU
Product Code : CHP02
Pungency (SHU) : 15000-25000 SHU
Product Code : CHP03
Pungency (SHU) : 30000-40000 SHU
Product Code : CHP04
Pungency (SHU) : 10000-15000 SHU
Product Code : CHP05
Producing the Buy rather than Buying the Produce
Insects, pests and diseases are major constraints in enhancing production and productivity of spices. Plant protection in present day is mainly oriented towards chemical controls. The continuous use of pesticides led to increase accumulation of these toxic chemical residues in spices. Consumer exposure to pesticide residues is of considerable concern to consumers, food producers, academics and government agencies. In International scenario there is strict mechanism for monitoring pesticides residues across the world.
Looking at the growing consumer concern for food safety, wholesomeness and origin, We SAMAY AGRO has adopted a ecological approach of Integrated Pest Management for chilli cultivation. IPM approach help us to meet regulatory requirements and achieve sustainable cultivation by encompassing available methods and techniques as cultural, mechanical, biological and need based application of environmentally safer chemicals. This requires large scale interventions at the very grassroots level. SAMAY AGRO, with its hard earned "Trust Equity" with the farming community, is one of the few companies which is uniquely positioned to usher in this change and deliver long term sustainable food safety to the world. SURUCHI Spices strives to address the challenges confronting customers by tackling the problems at the source.
In recent years, Environment issues are becoming more and more important in the supply of spices. Consumers in developed countries like EU countries, USA, have become more aware of health related-issues and are paying more attention to their diets. As a result, in addition to the function of adding flavor and spice to food, the safety issues related to chilli pepper are gaining frame as well.
Pesticides and chemical fertilizers are the major food safety concern associated with chilli. Most pesticides and herbicides once taken up by the body go to the war with endocrine system, blocking the body’s ability to regulate its own hormones.
In order to stop these dangerous pesticides contaminate the India’s most healthy top export spices, Organic channel for spices is generating increased interest.
We, Samay Agro, have always been consumer centric and market driven company. Looking at the consumer demand for SAFE AND PURE product with no chemical residues, Samay Agro is soon coming up with “Organic Chilli” for export market. Organically cultivated chilli means that no pesticides and chemicals are used for the purpose of fertilizer, nutrition and growth regulation. It is an eco-friendly technology for chilli cultivation that maximizes the use of on farm resources and minimizes the use of off-farm resources.
This product is free of pesticides and chemical fertilizers offering a healthy choice for the health conscious consumers.
As a leading brand in Spices, we have already carved a niche for ourselves in spices market both domestically and internationally. Apart from our regular range of 50 products of different chilli varieties, Suruchi Spices offers wide range of Niche Products aimed at satisfying consumer needs and demand. Keeping up with the demand, without compromising with quality, our strong Product Development team is capable of reinventing the conventional product and has been successful in delivering innovative products to our customers as per their demand. Our niche products are modern twist to the ethnic taste which will tend to amplify the sensory experience and help make the meal flawless.
Mundu chillies are found in Southern states of India. They are roundish fruit with moderate pungency and orangish red color. Mundu is popularly called as 'Round Chilies’ for their typical & beautiful round shape. The skin type is dark shiny and thick and approximately has 50-60% seed content.
Product Code : CHW01
Pungency (SHU) : 35000 SHU
Color Value : 75-80 ASTA
Guntur Sannam or Capsicum annuum var. Longhum, is a variety of chilli that grows in India, specifically in Southern states of India. This variety of chilli has relatively long fruits (7 to 9 cm. in length) and diameter range from 1.5 to 2.0 cm. This chilli variety is highly valued for its specific shape and size both in domestic and international market. The chilli has thick skin and is moderately hot with average pungency. It is well-known as a commercial crop used as a condiment, culinary supplement, or vegetable. This chilli has become so popular; it is exported to all over the world. It accounts for roughly 30% of India’s chilli exports.
Product Code : CHW02
Pungency (SHU) : 20000 SHU
Color Value : 90 ASTA
Popularly known as S17, majorly grown in Guntur and Warangal region of Andhra Pradesh, Teja enjoys one of the major export markets. It is small in size, non-wrinkled, normal seed content and bright red and highly pungent and skin type is thin. This S7 variet is hottest commercially available (& viable) chilli from India. This variety is majorly explored for its pungency and adds hot peppery flavor to many Indian Cuisine like Indian Pickles, Chat Masala, Chicken powder, Curry powder. Also used for extraction and derivation of capsaicin.
Product Code : CHW03
Pungency (SHU) : 80000 SHU
Color Value : 90ASTA
S12 Chili is mostly grown in the fertile Indian lands of Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra. The harvesting season for S12 is October to February. This chilli has good balance pungengy and red color which have enabled it to earn both national and international acclaim. It has small sized pods which are highly pungent. It is small in size with fruit length of around 5-9 cm.
Product Code : CHW05
Pungency (SHU) : 55000 to 60000 SHU
Color Value : 80-85 ASTA
Majorly grown in Madhya Pradesh and Kuhi Mandal district of Maharashtra. Also This variety is very long and bold. The skin type is thick and shiny. It is the longest variety. The exotic rich flavor hand high color imparting property of this variety make it acceptable ingredient of several curried dishes, seasoning and sauces.
Product Code :CHW07
Pungency (SHU) : 9000-12000 SHU
Color Value : 95-100ASTA
It is majorly grown in Warangal, Khammam, East and west Godavari districts of Andhra Pradesh. It is deep red in color and less pungent. The capsiasin content is 0.17%. the size of the chilli is 8-11 cm
The vibrant red color of the chilli, make it hifgly popular among food and beverage processor for its use as a colorant.
Product Code : CHW08
Pungency (SHU) : 10000 SHU
Color Value : 95-100ASTA
Majorly grown in Assam and some parts of Manipur. It is blood red in color and highly pungent. The skin type is normal. Harvesting season of this variety is October to December. It is used in traditional dishes of the Kerala cuisine. Kochchi sambal, which is hot sauce or paste made from different chilli varieties containing grated coconut and lime juice has bird eye as main ingredient to add pungency. It is used extensively in Thai, Malaysian, Singaporean Indonesian, and Vietnamese cuisine.
Product Code : CHW11
Pungency (SHU) : 100000-125000 SHU
A long pointed chili, dark red and strongly wrinkled. The Dabbi variety is wider. Grown mainly in Karnataka, this chili has very little heat (10-15k) It is majorly grown and used in Goa and Karnataka, states on the south west coast of India, and is considered essential to Marathi cuisine. It is particularly valued for the bright orange red color it imparts. The fruit length is 10-13 cm and has wrinkled skin type with sweet favor.
This chili is also often ground and sold as "Kashmiri Chili Powder". It also supports a large oleoresin extraction industry. The red oleoresin is much used as a coloring in food and cosmetic products.
Product Code :
Pungency (SHU) : 15000-20000 SHU
Color Value : 120-150ASTA
Grown in temperate regions such as Himachal Pradesh,Jammu & Kashmir and also in sub-tropical regions of North India during winter season. It is long fleshy red in color. Harvesting season is November to February.
It is medium conical in shape and has fruity flavor and little heat. The skin type is smooth and very dark in color. This chilli is known more for its color than its pungency. This variety has highest color and measure of pure capsaicin content is around 0.3325%.
Product Code : CHW04
Pungency (SHU) : 10000-12000 SHU
Color Value : 180-220 ASTA
This variety, also known as Ghost pepper or Naga jolakia,is hybrid variety of Capsicum chinese and capsicum frutescens. It is cultivated in Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, and Manipur. The ripe fruit measures 2.5-3.3 inches long and 1-1.2 inch wide with red, yellow, orange color. It ranks as one of the hottest chilli in the world.
This variety in a very small quantity is widely used in preparation of Supper hot Assam Curry paste.
Product Code :
Pungency (SHU) :
Color Value :
Teja stemless enjoys one of the major export markets. This variety is majorly explored for its pungency and adds hot peppery flavor to many Indian Cuisine like Indian Pickles, Chat Masala, Chicken powder, Curry powder. Also used for extraction and derivation of capsaicin. Along with jute bags, vacuum packaging, customized packaging is also available as per client’s requirement
Pungency (SHU) : 80000 SHU
Color Value : 90ASTA
S4 chilli stemless variety is highly valued for its specific shape and size both in domestic and international market. The chilli has thick skin and is quite hot with average pungency. The skin of crushed chili is thick, pinkish red and hot.
Along with jute bags, vacuum packaging, customized packaging is also available as per client’s requirement
Pungency (SHU) : 25000 SHU
Color Value : 90 ASTA
Popularly known as Relish Beyadgi, is one of the most famous varieties of chilli grown in Indian State of Karnataka. It has wrinkled skin that is orange red in color. It is mildly hot and orange red color to the food. Used in extraction of Oleoresin.
The product is commonly packed in 2 KG and 10 Kg jute bags, though vacuum packaging and custom packaging is also available as per client’s requirement
Pungency (SHU) : 20000 SHU
Color Value : 130-140 ASTA
This chilli has good balance pungency and red color which have enabled it to earn both national and international acclaim. It has small sized pods which are highly pungent. It is mainly used for its pungency and extraction of chilli oil or capsaicin.
Along with jute bags, vacuum packaging, customized packaging is also available as per client’s requirement
Pungency (SHU) : 60000 – 65000 SHU
Color Value : 80-85 ASTA
Mundu is popularly called as 'Gundu Molzuka' meaning 'fat chilly' in Tamil Nadu. Also known as Tamilnadu Tomato Chilli. The skin type is dark shiny and thick and approximately has 75% seed content. They are barely spicy but have a unique flavor which enhances the flavors of many dishes.
Along with jute and vacuum packaging, custom packaging is also available as per client’s requirement
Pungency (SHU) : 40000 SHU
Color Value : 70-80 ASTA
Product Code : CHP01
Granulation : 2.5-3 mm
Pungency (SHU) : 15000-90000 SHU
Product Code : CHP02
Granulation : 5 mm
Pungency (SHU) : 15000-90000 SHU
Product Code : CHP03
Granulation : 2 mm
Pungency (SHU) : 15000-90000 SHU
Product Code : CHP04
Granulation : 4.75 mm
Pungency (SHU) : 30,000-35,000 SHU
Product Code : CHP01
Pungency (SHU) : 10000-15000 SHU
Product Code : CHP02
Pungency (SHU) : 15000-25000 SHU
Product Code : CHP03
Pungency (SHU) : 30000-40000 SHU
Product Code : CHP04
Pungency (SHU) : 10000-15000 SHU
Product Code : CHP05
Producing the Buy rather than Buying the Produce
Insects, pests and diseases are major constraints in enhancing production and productivity of spices. Plant protection in present day is mainly oriented towards chemical controls. The continuous use of pesticides led to increase accumulation of these toxic chemical residues in spices. Consumer exposure to pesticide residues is of considerable concern to consumers, food producers, academics and government agencies. In International scenario there is strict mechanism for monitoring pesticides residues across the world.
Looking at the growing consumer concern for food safety, wholesomeness and origin, We SAMAY AGRO has adopted a ecological approach of Integrated Pest Management for chilli cultivation. IPM approach help us to meet regulatory requirements and achieve sustainable cultivation by encompassing available methods and techniques as cultural, mechanical, biological and need based application of environmentally safer chemicals. This requires large scale interventions at the very grassroots level. SAMAY AGRO, with its hard earned "Trust Equity" with the farming community, is one of the few companies which is uniquely positioned to usher in this change and deliver long term sustainable food safety to the world. SURUCHI Spices strives to address the challenges confronting customers by tackling the problems at the source.
In recent years, Environment issues are becoming more and more important in the supply of spices. Consumers in developed countries like EU countries, USA, have become more aware of health related-issues and are paying more attention to their diets. As a result, in addition to the function of adding flavor and spice to food, the safety issues related to chilli pepper are gaining frame as well.
Pesticides and chemical fertilizers are the major food safety concern associated with chilli. Most pesticides and herbicides once taken up by the body go to the war with endocrine system, blocking the body’s ability to regulate its own hormones.
In order to stop these dangerous pesticides contaminate the India’s most healthy top export spices, Organic channel for spices is generating increased interest.
We, Samay Agro, have always been consumer centric and market driven company. Looking at the consumer demand for SAFE AND PURE product with no chemical residues, Samay Agro is soon coming up with “Organic Chilli” for export market. Organically cultivated chilli means that no pesticides and chemicals are used for the purpose of fertilizer, nutrition and growth regulation. It is an eco-friendly technology for chilli cultivation that maximizes the use of on farm resources and minimizes the use of off-farm resources.
This product is free of pesticides and chemical fertilizers offering a healthy choice for the health conscious consumers.
As a leading brand in Spices, we have already carved a niche for ourselves in spices market both domestically and internationally. Apart from our regular range of 50 products of different chilli varieties, Suruchi Spices offers wide range of Niche Products aimed at satisfying consumer needs and demand. Keeping up with the demand, without compromising with quality, our strong Product Development team is capable of reinventing the conventional product and has been successful in delivering innovative products to our customers as per their demand. Our niche products are modern twist to the ethnic taste which will tend to amplify the sensory experience and help make the meal flawless.